S.no Survey title Question text Question type Answer option No. of respondents
1 Course Completion Feedback Survey How would you rate the quality of the course content? Radio button Excellent 35
2 Course Completion Feedback Survey How would you rate the quality of the course content? Radio button Good 30
3 Course Completion Feedback Survey How would you rate the quality of the course content? Radio button Fair 10
4 Course Completion Feedback Survey How would you rate the quality of the course content? Radio button Poor 5
5 Course Completion Feedback Survey How effective was the instructor in delivering the course material? Radio button Very Effective 40
6 Course Completion Feedback Survey How effective was the instructor in delivering the course material? Radio button Effective 25
7 Course Completion Feedback Survey How effective was the instructor in delivering the course material? Radio button Neutral 10
8 Course Completion Feedback Survey How effective was the instructor in delivering the course material? Radio button Ineffective 3
9 Course Completion Feedback Survey How effective was the instructor in delivering the course material? Radio button Very Ineffective 2
10 Course Completion Feedback Survey Which of the following resources did you find helpful? (Select all that apply) Checkbox Lecture videos 50
11 Course Completion Feedback Survey Which of the following resources did you find helpful? (Select all that apply) Checkbox Reading materials 45
12 Course Completion Feedback Survey Which of the following resources did you find helpful? (Select all that apply) Checkbox Quizzes/Assignments 40
13 Course Completion Feedback Survey Which of the following resources did you find helpful? (Select all that apply) Checkbox Discussion forums 30
14 Course Completion Feedback Survey Which of the following resources did you find helpful? (Select all that apply) Checkbox Live sessions 20
16 Course Completion Feedback Survey How satisfied were you with the technical support provided during the course? Radio button Very Satisfied 35
17 Course Completion Feedback Survey How satisfied were you with the technical support provided during the course? Radio button Satisfied 30
18 Course Completion Feedback Survey How satisfied were you with the technical support provided during the course? Radio button Neutral 15
19 Course Completion Feedback Survey How satisfied were you with the technical support provided during the course? Radio button Dissatisfied 10
20 Course Completion Feedback Survey How satisfied were you with the technical support provided during the course? Radio button Very Dissatisfied 5
21 Course Completion Feedback Survey Did you find the LMS easy to navigate? Like/Dislike Like 60
22 Course Completion Feedback Survey Did you find the LMS easy to navigate? Like/Dislike Dislike 15
23 Course Completion Feedback Survey Was the course duration sufficient to cover all the topics? Radio button Yes 55
24 Course Completion Feedback Survey Was the course duration sufficient to cover all the topics? Radio button No 20
25 Course Completion Feedback Survey On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the overall course experience? Overall rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 – Very Satisfied) 40
26 Course Completion Feedback Survey On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the overall course experience? Overall rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4 – Satisfied) 25
27 Course Completion Feedback Survey On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the overall course experience? Overall rating ⭐⭐⭐ (3 – Neutral) 10
28 Course Completion Feedback Survey On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the overall course experience? Overall rating ⭐⭐ (2 – Dissatisfied) 5
29 Course Completion Feedback Survey On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the overall course experience? Overall rating ⭐ (1 – Very Dissatisfied) 5