ExpertusONE provides predefined admin roles, which cannot be edited or modified by the admins or super admins. admin will not have the privilege to edit the predefined roles which already exist in the LMS.

Below are the roles which are predefined in LMS:

  • Super admin – E1
  • Super admin Customer
  • Learning admin
  • Enrollment admin
  • People admin
  • Report admin
  • Manager
  • Instructor
  • Commerce admin
  • Talent admin
  • Course creator admin

For all the above roles the privileges are predefined and cannot be edited or modified by the admin.

  • Clicking on Role will display the Admin Roles page.
  • The Admin Roles page will display all the ‘Predefined’ roles with Search Bar.
  • Upon clicking the “Add Admin Role”, the ‘Name’ field, the ‘Privileges’ section, as well as the ‘Save’ and ‘Close’ buttons will be presented.
  • “Name Field” and “Privileges section” are mandatory fields, where you should type the admin role name and assign the required privileges:
    • View
    • Create
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Clicking on the expand icon will list the submodules along with the “View”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” checkboxes.
  • If you select any privileges at the main module, then those privileges will get inherited by all the below submodules.
  • You can manually deselect the privilege at the sub-module level if required.
  • If you select the “Create” privilege for any module, the “View” privilege will be automatically selected.
  • If you select the “Edit” privilege for any module, the “View” and “Create” privileges will be automatically selected.
  • Similarly, If you select the “Delete” privilege for any module, the “View” “Create” and “Edit” privileges will get automatically selected.
  • The ‘Save’ button will be enabled if any one privilege is assigned.
  • Clicking on the Save button will save the role created along with the selected privileges with Preview, Edit, and Delete options.
  • You can use the search box to search for a role that has already been added.
  • After the administrator enters either the entire name of the admin role or a minimum of 3 letters from it, a dropdown menu will appear, displaying items that correspond with the entered keyword. This list is organized in ascending order.
  • The “Privilege” icon will be visible for the predefined admin roles.
  • Clicking on the “Privilege” icon will list all modules only for viewing purposes.
  • The “Edit” icon will not be visible for the predefined admin roles.
  • The “Edit” icon will be displayed only for the customized admin roles created by the super admin
  • If the administrator clicks on the “Edit” icon for a customized admin role, it will display an edIt for the Admin role name alone.
  • The name field will be highlighted along with a tick mark and an ‘X’ mark.
  • Clicking on the tick mark will save the changes and clicking on the ‘X’ mark will retain the old value.
  • The delete icon will not be visible for the predefined admin roles.
  • The delete icon will be displayed only for the customized admin roles created by the super admin
  • If the administrator clicks on the delete icon for a customized admin role, a confirmation message will be displayed as “Are you sure you want to delete the “”? with action buttons “Yes” and “No”.
  • If the admin clicks on “Yes”, the respective item will be deleted and the admin will remain on the same page.
  • Similarly, if the admin clicks on “No”, the delete operation will be Closed by closing the lightbox and the admin will remain on the same page.
  • Clicking on the sort menu, the below list will be displayed in a drop-down menu.

    • Title: A – Z
    • Title: Z – A
    • New – Old
    • Old – New

    Note: The list will be sorted in Date – New – Old by default.

    The Export menu will display three options to export the complete details of the learning elements.

    • Export as CSV
    • Export as PDF
    • Export as Excel

    The format of the file is mentioned below: