As an ExpertusONE administrator, manage enrollment refers to managing the registration by enrolling the learners in the Course/TP.
Below is the list of actions that can be performed on the enrollment page:
- Enroll
- View/update Status – Course/TP
- View Status/Enroll Learner to TP/Courses
- View/Update Status – Learner
- Bulk Upload
From the landing page/home page, you can navigate to the organization page using:
- Toggle Menu Bar – Once the admin clicks on the double chevron right icons, the Manage menu items will be displayed, you can navigate to Enrollments, and clicking on any one option will open the enrollments listing page.
- Quick access – You can see the Enrollments widget, and hovering the mouse over it will display two sections.
- Enroll – will open the ‘Manage Enrollments – Enroll’ page.
- View/Update – will open the ‘Manage Enrollments – View/Update – Course/TP’ page.
In this section, the admin can enroll the users in the Course/Training plans.
- In Manage Enrollment, select ‘Enroll’ from the drop-down.
- Search for a particular Course/Training plan:
- Search by Course
- Search by Learning Path
- Search by Certification
- Type the Course/Training Plans title in the Search Option.
- Use Filters to select particular Courses/Training Plans by
- Language
- Delivery Type
- Category
- Tags
- Provider
- Skills
- Click the radio button next to the selected Course, to which enrollments are to be done, and click ‘Select Learner’.
- On the Select Learner page, you can select the learners for enrollment ‘By Criteria’ or ‘Add Individuals’.
- Clicking Enroll By Criteria, a drop-down will list the below-mentioned values
- By Learner Group
- By Organization
- By Department
- By Job Title
- Once the enroll by criteria is selected, In the second drop-down, the admin needs to select the value based on the selected criteria i.e. if the admin has selected to enroll by the Organization, the second drop-down will list the organizations that the admin has access to.
- Once the learner is selected by the criteria, all the learners who fall under the criteria and who are not enrolled in the course will be selected, and clicking on enroll will enroll the learners in the selected course/TP.
- In the Add Individual section, the admin can add individual learners that they want to enroll for the selected courses/TP.
- You can search for learners using the ‘Search By’ options: Username, Name, Organization, Job Role, User Type, Manager.
- In the Remove Individuals section, the admin can add the learners who don’t want to enroll in the selected courses/TP.
- Once the admin has selected the learners, the ‘Enroll’ button and ‘Set Mandatory’ check box will be enabled.
- Clicking on Enroll will enroll the selected learners and also the learners selected in ‘Enroll By’ for the Course/TP.
- Clicking on the Set Mandatory check box and enrolling will enroll the learners for the course/TP and will make the course/TP mandatory for selected learners.
- If the chosen learners are enrolled in all the selected courses, clicking ‘Enroll’ will redirect the admin to the next navigation action page.
In the Manage Enrollments section, the ability to view/update the status of a course/TP option will only be accessible when enabled by the site administrator.
- In Manage Enrollment, select ‘View/Update Status Course/TP’ from the drop-down,
- From available Course/Training Plan section, you can search for a particular Courses/Training plans
- Search by Course
- Search by Learning Path
- Search by Certification
- Click the radio button next to the selected Course to which enrollments to be done and click ‘View Learner’.
- Clicking on View Learner, will display the list of Enrolled Learners to the Course.
- In the enrolled learner’s list, the below-mentioned columns will be displayed:
- Name
- User Name
- Manager
- Organization
- Registration From
- Date
- Score
- Status
- Checklist
- Action
- Add Notes
- Upload Files
- Progress
- In the learner’s list, the admin can perform a few actions on the following columns:
- Status
- Score
- Action
- Add Notes
- Upload Files
- For the learners, the admin can change the status of the enrollment.
- Enrolled
- Completed
- Canceled
- If the administrator chooses the ‘Completed’ status and clicks ‘Save’, it will be considered that the learner has finished the course and If a certificate is attached to the course, the completed certificate will appear under the action button.
Note: For E-learning, the future date from the present date and the date before the enrollment will be disabled for selection in the calendar, and for ILT/VC, the future date from the present date and the date before the class start date will be disabled for selection.
Note: “If a learner cancels the course on multiple occasions, only one record will be displayed for that learner with the ‘canceled’ status.”
Note: At the time of changing the status from the managed enrollment drop down, if no changes have been made or the changes have been saved, will not ask for any confirmation on the changes. If any changes have been made and the changes are not saved, will show an alert message for confirmation on the status change.
In the Manage Enrollment, the View Status/Enroll learners to TP Courses option will be visible only if that option is enabled in the site admin.
With this option, you can search for a learner view his status, and enroll him in courses within the Training Plan (Learning Path/Certification)
Select Learner
- In the manage enrollment screen, Once the view Status/Enroll learners to TP Courses option is selected in the drop-down, the select learner page will be enabled.
- Options such as Search By, Search Box, and Filter will be enabled and the admin needs to search or filter for the learners.
- In the list view, next to the Learner name you can see details such as User name, Manager, and Organization.
- Once the admin has selected the learners, the select and clear buttons will be enabled.
- Note: Clicking on clear will unselect the selected learner and the buttons will be disabled.
- Choose the learner and click the select button, the heading ‘Select Learner’ will transform into ‘Selected Learner.’ Subsequently, the search, sort, filter, clear, and select buttons will become deactivated.”
- The selected learner will be visible with the delete icon and the select course/instance from the training plan panel will be enabled.
- Note: Clicking on the delete icon will remove the learner from the selected learner list and the selected learner heading name will be changed to select learner and the search, sort, and filter will be enabled.
Select Course/Instance from the Training Plan
- Once you choose the learner, the option to select a course/instance from the training plan page will become active.
- The select training plan drop-down will list only the training plans that the selected learner is enrolled in.
- Upon choosing the training plan, it will display a list of all the courses associated with the Training Plan.
- If the Training plan with the module is enabled in the training plan structure, then the course will be listed module-wise. If the module is not enabled it will list all the courses.
- Clicking on the course name or the expand icon will expand the respective course and will list all the instances created under the course.
- If the course is set as mandatory, then next to the course name, in the brackets the term “mandatory” will be visible.
- By default, if the learner has already completed the instance under the standalone course, the radio button will be auto-selected for the respective instance.
- Once the administrator chooses the Courses/Instances, the ‘Enroll’ button will become active. Clicking on ‘Enroll’ will then proceed to enroll the selected learner in the chosen courses/instances of the training plan.
- In the View/Update Status Learner page, search for the learners using search options.
- Clicking on the radio button, the Clear and Select option will be enabled.
- Once the learner is selected, the next page will list all the Courses/TP the particular learner has enrolled.
- Similar to View/Update Status – Course/TP, you can update Learner Status.
- Once the learners have been successfully enrolled in the chosen course, a new navigational page will appear, accompanied by a Success Icon positioned above it.
- On this page, the admin can see these buttons:
- View/Modify Enrollments
- Enroll
- Go to Home
- Upon selecting ‘View/Modify Enrollment,’ the administrator will be directed to the ‘Enrolled Learners’ page within the enrollment management section. The dropdown will automatically be set to ‘View/Update Status,’ and the courses that were chosen during the enrollment process will already be selected, causing those courses to be expanded.”
- Upon clicking the ‘Enroll’ button, the administrator will be taken to the Manage Enrollment page.
- The dropdown will automatically be configured to ‘Enroll,’ and the course for which the enrollment process was just completed by the admin will be pre-selected. This will lead the admin to the ‘Select Learner’ page for that course.
- Clicking on ‘Go To Home’ will take the admins to the Home Page.
- If the course/TP has a prerequisite course to complete, when the admin enrolls the learner for the course show an error message if the learner has not completed the prerequisite course.
The search will be based on the search by drop-down value i.e., if the admin selects a course in the search by drop-down and the search box, once the admin types the keyword, the search list will display only the courses.
- In the Available Course/Training Plan page, clicking on the search will list the below list. By default, the course will be selected.
- Course
- Learning Path
- Certification
- Similarly, on the select learner page, the search will list the below. By default, the user name will be selected.
- User Name
- Name
- Organization
- Once the search by courses/TP is selected and in the search text box, the search result will be based on the search by.
- Once the admin types the complete name or at least three letters of the name, a drop-down will list the courses/TP name matching the keyword. The list is sorted in ascending order.
- Search text will be retained with an (x) button in the search text box. Clicking on (X) should remove the filter.
- The list of filters for select learners is mentioned below:
- Organization
- Manager Name
- Department
- Job Role
- User Type
- Language
- Learner Group
- Status
- Organization
The dropdown values of Organization, Manager, Department, Job Role, User Type, Language, and Learner Group will display only the existing data in ascending order.
After the filter is selected, the admin needs to click on APPLY to view the result, and clicking on CLEAR ALL will clear the filter.
- Below is the sorting order:
- Title: A – Z
- Title: Z – A
- Date – New – Old
- Oldest – Newest
- By default, the list is sorted on the last update.