1. From the landing page/home page, the admin can either use the toggle menu bar or the edit icon in the quick-access assessment widget to navigate to the assessment listing page.
  2. Once the admin clicks on the double-chevron right icons, the “Manage” menu items will be displayed, and the admin can click on “Assessment,” which will display two sub-menu items: “Assessment” and “Questions.” Clicking on either of them will navigate to the respective listing page.
  3. If the admin clicks on “Assessment,” the assessment listing page with the “Published” tab will be opened.
  4. An assessment can also be created with the help of the “Create Assessment” button on the top right corner of the assessment listing page.

Clicking on the “Create” from the “Quick Access” assessment widget or the “Create Assessment” button from the assessment listing page will open the assessment creation page with the required fields to create the assessment. Listed below are the fields needed for creating the assessment.

  1. Assessment Title – Title of the assessment. The administrator should enter the assessment title in the process of assessment creation.
  2. Description – A short description of the assessment. This is a text field, and the administrator can enter the description of the assessment.
  3. Code – If the Coding Convention is enabled at the site level, the assessment code is auto-generated, and the admin can’t edit the assessment code. If the Coding Convention is turned off, the admin can enter their assessment code.
  4. Language – The list of languages supported by LMS will be listed in this drop-down menu. By default, the English language is auto-selected. The admin can always change the language.
  5. Pass Percentage – The administrator can enter the passing percentage that a learner must earn to pass the assessment. The pass percentage must be entered in percentage, and the value should be below 100. If a learner scores less than the pass percentage, then the learner didn’t get through the assessment.
  6. Number of questions to display – The administrator can set the number of questions to be displayed to the learner in the assessment.
  7. Randomize Questions – The administrator can randomize the questions, answers, or both created in the assessment with the help of the drop-down menu. By default, the randomized questions drop-down will display the “Both” option. If the administrator clicks on any of the below options, randomizing will happen for the assessment accordingly. The options are as follows
    • Questions
    • Answers
    • Both
    • No
  8. Duration – The administrator can set the timer option in minutes and seconds to indicate the time limit within which the assessment has to be completed by the learner. There is no section-level timer for assessment.
  9. Number of Attempts – The administrator can set the number of attempts for the assessment. Based on the numeric value entered in the text field, the number of attempts will be limited accordingly. If the admin doesn’t enter a value, the number of attempts will be considered unlimited. Number “0” and any three-digit number are not accepted as a field value.Note: The value entered in the “Number of attempts” field will be taken into consideration only for standalone assessments and not for the assessments attached to a course.
  10. Standalone – This field is to indicate if the assessment is standalone or not. If the administrator clicks on the checkbox, the assessment will become a standalone assessment and cannot be attached to a course thereafter.

Preview Survey

The “Preview Survey” button is displayed in the top-right corner of the survey creation page.

If the admin clicks on the “Preview Survey” button, a survey preview will open on a new page and render the survey in learner view.


The “Publish” button will be enabled only after all mandatory fields are filled.

If the administrator clicks on the “Publish” button, the survey will be published and start getting listed on the survey listing page.

If the admin clicks on the “Publish” button without adding any questions, an error message will be displayed.

Save as Draft

The “Save as Draft” button will be enabled only after all mandatory fields are filled.

Clicking on “Save Draft” will only save the survey in draft mode, and the saved survey will be listed under the “Drafts” tab on the listing page.


The “Discard” button will be enabled soon after the first entry of data in any of the fields on the survey creation page.

Clicking on the discard button will show a popup with a warning message only if one or more fields are filled. When the admin clicks on “Yes,” all the data entered on the page will be erased, and they will remain on the same page.

Clicking on “No” will close the popup message, and the values will remain unerased on the same page.


Clicking on the “Required” checkbox will mark the respective question as mandatory.

By unchecking the checkbox, the question will be considered optional.


When the administrator clicks on the “Delete” icon, the respective question will be deleted without a confirmation message.

If there is a question below a deleted question, the respective question will move up once the delete action is performed.


Reordering the questions can be achieved by clicking and dragging the reorder icon. The respective question will be selected based on the mouse click on the “Reorder” icon and dragged based on the mouse movement (upward or downward).

Upon releasing the mouse click, the question will be placed in the desired order. Reordering can be done between the sections.


The “Tag” action icon is displayed below the answer options for every question.

Clicking on the icon will open a pushdown box, and administrators can add tags. Only one tag can be added at a time.

The administrator can use the search box to search for the tag in the question tag library or add a new tag.

The action icons below are floating icons displayed on the right side of a question:

Create a Question

The Create Question icon “+” will be placed beside a question in edit mode.

Clicking on the “+” icon will create a new question below.

If a question is created in a survey, it will be added to the Questions tab in the language that the survey was created.

Import Question

When the admin clicks on the “Import Question” icon, a push-down menu will appear with two sections, “From Question Library” and “Added Questions.”

The “Add Selected Questions” button will be enabled only when one or more questions are marked with the help of a checkbox by the administrator.

If the admin clicks on “Add Selected Questions” after marking one or more questions, the respective questions will be added to the next section called “Added Questions”. They will stop appearing in the Import Question section for the respective survey.

The “Import Questions” button in the “Added Questions” section will be enabled only when one or more questions are added from the “From Question Library” section.

After the questions are added to the “Added Questions” section, a delete icon will be displayed in the third column next to the question type.

If the admin clicks on the delete icon, the respective question will be removed from the “Added Questions” section and will be added back to the “From Question Library” section.

Create Section

Questions can be categorized into sections with the help of the section break icon.

If the admin clicks on the section break icon, a new section will be created below the question where the floating icon appears.

Every section will have the following set of action icons:

  • Clone
  • Delete
  • Re-order
  • Expand and Collapse


When the administrator clicks the “Clone” icon, a copy of the section is created and displayed below the source section.

All the questions in the source section will be replicated in the cloned section.


When the administrator clicks on the “Delete” icon, a popup confirmation message will be displayed.

If the admin clicks on “Yes,” the respective section will be deleted, and clicking on “No” will exit the popup without deleting the section.


Reordering the section can be achieved by clicking and dragging the “Reorder” icon.

The respective section will be selected based on the mouse click on the “Reorder” icon and dragged based on the mouse movement (upward or downward). Upon releasing the mouse click on the required placement, and the section will be placed accordingly.


A “chevron-up” icon is displayed for every section to collapse a section. After collapsing a section, only the section title with its respective action icons will be displayed.

The collapse icon is available for every section, and a one-time collapse for all the sections is not possible.


A “chevron-down” icon is displayed for every section to expand a section. After expanding a section, all the questions created in the section will be displayed.

  1. The admin can navigate to the edit survey page either by clicking on “Edit” in quick access links or by clicking on the edit icon in the survey and drafts listing page.
  2. The Edit Survey page will have all the fields filled as it is already created.
  3. The behavior of all the fields will be the same as the survey creation page, but the page will be displayed in editable mode.
  4. When the admin edits a question that is attached to a survey, a new instance of the question will be created in the question library. Hence, it will not affect the other surveys to which the question is attached.
Action buttons in Edit Survey


The “Update” button will be enabled only if the admin has updated a field value.

When the admin clicks on the Update button, only the survey details will be updated, and the survey will remain in the same status (published, unpublished, or draft).


The admin can unpublish the survey by simply clicking the “Unpublish” button on the edit page.

The Unpublish button will be displayed only on the edit page under the published tab.

After the survey is unpublished, the respective survey will start getting listed in the unpublished tab.


The admin can publish the survey by simply clicking the “Publish” button on the edit page.

The Publish button will be displayed in two places:

  • On the edit page, under the “Draft” tab.
  • On the edit page, under the “Unpublished” tab.

After the survey is published, the respective survey will start getting listed in the published tab.


The “Discard” button will be displayed on the edit page.

The Discard button will be enabled only if any changes are made. If no changes are made, the discard button will be disabled.

Clicking on the discard button will show a popup with a warning message.

When the admin clicks on “Yes,” the new changes will be replaced with the old values, and clicking on “No” will remain on the same edit page with new field values.

Listing Page of Survey

The admin can navigate to the survey listing page either from the home page (Quick Access link) by clicking on the “Edit” button under the survey or by clicking on the survey in the toggle menu bar.

  1. If the admin clicks on “Questions” from the toggle menu bar, the questions listing page will be displayed.
  2. In the Survey listing page, we will display three tabs with the number of items available in the respective tabs, and the page will be displayed in the list view:
    • Drafts
    • Published
    • Unpublished
    • Questions

Search functionality for Drafts, Published, and Unpublished

The search will be based on the survey title or code.

The admin can use the search box to search for the survey. Once the admin types the complete survey title or a minimum of 3 letters for the survey title or the code, a drop-down will list the surveys that match the keyword. The list is sorted in ascending order.

Search functionality for Questions

The search will be based on the keyword in question.

The admin can use the search box to search for the questions. Once the admin types a minimum of 3 letters or the keyword of a question, a drop-down will list the questions that match the keyword. The list is sorted in ascending order.

Filter for Drafts, Published and Unpublished

The list of filters for the survey is mentioned below:

  • Standalone
    • Yes
    • No
  • Language
  • Question Text

Filter for Questions

The list of filters for the Survey is mentioned below:

  • Question type
  • Survey title
  • Tags


Sort functionality is common for all the tabs.

Below is the sorting order:

  • Title: A – Z
  • Title: Z – A
  • New – Old
  • Old – New

By default, the list is sorted by “Newly listed”.

The Access option allows the admin to enable the privilege of viewing/editing the specific survey for selected admin groups and viewing the survey for the selected learner groups.

You can simply click on the access icon, and clicking on the Admin Group will list all the admin groups that are created in the system.

You can select one or more admin groups. The group which you are part of will be auto-selected.

Note: If the admin is part of more than one admin group, the admin needs to select the respective admin groups.

When the admin selects the groups, the list of groups will be listed in the text box.

Clicking on Save Access will save the selected group, and the survey will be visible only for those selected groups.

Note: Learner group access can be provided only for the standalone surveys.

The survey results can be seen only for PUBLISHED surveys.

  • Click the ‘RESULTS’ icon associated with the survey you want to view the results.

  • Search option.
  • Filters option (Multiple filters can be selected):
    • Language (choose from drop-down)
    • Question
    • Stand-alone survey – ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

  • Sorting option:
    • ‘A-Z’
    • ‘Z-A’
    • ‘New-Old’
    • ‘Old-New’

  • Export option (Export the data as CSV, PDF, and Excel formats)


  • Click on the ‘CREATE QUESTION’ button in the top-right corner to open the CREATE SURVEY box.
  • The steps below will guide you on how to create a question on the survey page:
    1. Enter the ‘Question’.
    2. Select the appropriate ‘Type’ from the drop-down menu to specify how the answer options will be presented to the learners. The options are:
      • Radio Button
      • Checkbox
      • Drop-Down
      • Grid/Matrix – Radio Button
      • Grid/Matrix – Checkbox
      • Short Answer
      • Paragraph
      • Like/Dislike
      • Overall Rating
    3. Indicate your preferred ‘Display’ format for the answers by selecting either ‘Vertically’ or ‘Horizontally’.
      (Note: For certain answer types, the “Display” option will always be displayed horizontally)
    4. Add ‘Image’ to the question (Supports JPEG, GIF, and PNG file formats. Images must have a minimum resolution of 250×250 pixels, and the maximum file size allowed is 2MB.)
    5. Enter the answer ‘Options’. (Note: You can enter as many options as possible by clicking on the ‘+ADD OPTION’ button)
    6. Enter ‘Tags’.

        • Radio Button
          • This question type allows learners to select only a single answer option.
          • A minimum of two answer options are required.
          • You can add as many answer options to the question by clicking on the “+ADD OPTION” button.


      • Checkbox
        • This question type allows learners to select multiple answer options from the given list.
        • A minimum of two answer options are required.
        • You can add as many answer options to the question by clicking on the “+ADD OPTION” button.

      • Drop-down
        • It is a question type that allows learners to have a limited set of choices to select an answer.
        • A minimum of two answer options are required.
        • You can add as many answer options to the question by clicking on the “+ADD OPTION” button.

      • Grid/Matrix – Radio Button
        • A grid/matrix question is a group of individual questions that share the same answer options.
        • This question type can be used when we want the learners to select only one option for each row by clicking on the radio buttons.
        • “+ADD ROW” and “+ADD OPTION” buttons will be available after every row and option respectively.

      • Grid/Matrix – Checkbox
        • A grid/matrix question is a group of individual questions that share the same answer options.
        • This question type can be used when we want the learners to select multiple answer options from each row in the matrix question.

      • Short Answer
        • This question type allows learners to write answers in a few words.
        • A maximum of 200 characters is allowed.

      • Paragraph
        • It is a question type that allows learners to write long answers.
        • A maximum of 2000 characters is allowed.

      • Like/Dislike
        • It is a multiple-choice question with only two answer options “thumbs up” & “thumbs down” for positive or negative ratings respectively.
        • You can only enter the question as the answers are auto-populated by default.

      • Overall Rating
        • It is a multiple-choice rating question type that allows users to rank attributes on a 5-point scale represented with stars.
        • You can only enter the question, as the answers are auto-populated by default.

  • Open the ‘QUESTIONS’ tab. (Check this link or video on how to ‘Create Questions’)
  • Click on the ‘EDIT’ icon to modify the question.

  1. Open the ‘QUESTIONS’ tab. (Check this link or video on how to ‘Create Questions’)
  2. Click on the ‘DELETE’ icon to delete the question.

  • Click on the ‘Tags’ icon associated with the question you want to add/edit.
  • Enter the tags in the space provided. Suggested words may appear in a drop-down box while adding. Select the words by clicking on it.

Note: If you enter a tag name that already exists, you’ll see a warning message.

  • Click on the ‘Tags’ icon associated with the question, for which you want to delete a tag(s).
  • Mouse hover the tags, to find the ‘X’ icon next to it. Click on it to delete it.

  • Search option.
  • Filters option (Multiple filters can be selected):
    • Question Types (Select as many):
      • Radio Button
      • Check Box
      • Drop-Down
      • Grid/Matrix – Radio Button
      • Grid/Matrix – Checkbox
      • Short answer
      • Paragraph
      • Like/Dislike
      • Overall rating
    • Language (choose from drop-down)
    • Survey
    • Tag

  • Sorting option:
    • ‘A-Z’
    • ‘Z-A’
    • ‘New-Old’
    • ‘Old-New’

  • Export option (Export the data as CSV, PDF, and Excel formats)